Out of Hours Club

At Maharishi Out of Hours Club, our aim is to provide quality play opportunities which are flexible and affordable and meet the needs of all the children. We offer a safe, warm, and stimulating environment in which the needs of children and their families may be met in a sensitive and professional manner. In line with the school’s ethos, we work hard to make our Out of Hours Club a wonderful place to be, and it is able to innovate and be creative in the way it operates. We offer a wide range of adult-led and child-led activities and resources that follow the seasons and various celebrations throughout the year. We have a selection of resources that include: board games, construction, jigsaws, table top games, physical play and sport, reading and role play, dressing up and craft.

In addition, the children have regular access to the outdoor areas: playground, trim trail and the eco-garden. We provide healthy snacks including wholemeal toast/bread and jam or honey. Fresh drinking water is always available. We meet individual dietary needs and parental preferences wherever possible. We recognise the importance of healthy nutrition delivered in a calm, friendly setting where food is eaten whilst sitting at the snack table. We look forward to welcoming you to the club.


Out of Hours Team

Patricia Kelly

Patricia Kelly

Out of Hours team leader

Patricia works in both our Breakfast and Afterschool Club.

Kath Duke

Kath Duke

Out of Hours Captain

Kath works with our children during lunchtime. She also is part of Breakfast and After School Clubs

Toby Mercer

Toby Mercer

Out of Hours Team member

Rhoda Newton

Rhoda Newton

Breakfast Club team member

Rhoda works with our primary phase children during school hours. During Breakfast Club, she makes sure our pupils are looked after on the minibus to and from the secondary phase site.

Katie Langford

Katie Langford

Out of Hours team member

Katie is part of our welfare staff and looks after children during our lunchtimes. She also works in both our Breakfast and Afterschool clubs.

Charmaine Fuller

Charmaine Fuller

Out of Hours Team member

Charmaine provides individual support for a pupil in the primary phase.


All of the details of our Out of Hours service can be viewed in the Terms and Conditions as below.

Please take a moment to read this as contains valuable information on hours, times and charges.

Out Of School Club

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