Welcome to Design & Technology



I am Elisabeth Cleary, and I am delighted to teach Design & Technology in Years 7 to 9, as well as in years 4 and 5 in the primary phase.

Design & Technology is an incredibly important part of children’s education as it gives them the opportunity to use their creativity and imagination to solve genuine and relevant real-life problems within a variety of contexts. The students learn to consider their intended users’ needs, values and requirements, and they practise the designing and making of functional products, following design briefs. The ‘design - make- evaluate' process of D&T also aligns beautifully with our Consciousness-based education in the cycles of ‘Knowledge - Action - Achievement - Fulfilment’.

Throughout each year pupils are given the opportunity to focus on different aspects of the subject, such as ‘textiles’, ‘product design’ or ‘systems and controls’.

DT supports the progressive development of fundamental technological skills. It promotes critical thinking and encourages children and young people to consider important issues, such as sustainability.

DT links with other subjects such as Maths, Science, English, Art and puts these into context, making them easier to digest and more understandable, and it inspires young people to become resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens.