
Hello and welcome to year 6. I am Mrs Moss the class teacher from Monday - Thursday, Mrs Greenall teaches on Fridays and we are assisted by Bell Irving, Sarah Singleton and Christine Riaz. In year 6 we work hard to consolidate all the learning your children have done through primary school and work towards the statutory assessment tests (SATS) in May. However, we also enjoy lots of creative curriculum and take part in a number of trips and workshops throughout the year to give children different experiences. In year 6 we work hard, but we play hard too! 

In maths, we cement prior knowledge working with larger numbers in number and place value, fractions, shape and more. We have a maths lesson most days and assess students’ learning throughout the year. In the final half term of the academic year, we carry out maths investigations and use all of the skills we have accumulated throughout the primary phase and prepare for the next step of high school.

We start our English work with performance poetry, then go on to look at novels such as ‘Wonder’ and ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom.’ We take an in depth look at the novels, learning about empathy and writing diary extracts, descriptive pieces and debates throughout the year. We aim to use more mature vocabulary, improve the flow of our work and increase our stamina in our writing.

We become scientific investigators looking firstly at Light and Electricity, then moving on to the topic of Animals Including Humans. Our weekly science lessons are documented through experiments as we try to decipher the world around us. 

In year 6 we encourage students to become more independent learners as we prepare them to transition to high school. Throughout our topic work, children are encouraged to research and use their own initiative, delving into the past looking at The Mayan Civilization and World War 2, but thinking carefully about our future as we cover climate change and tourism in geography.

If you have any further questions or would like to come and see the year 6 classroom for yourself, please do not hesitate to get in touch.