Your School

“The promotion of pupils’ spiritual and personal development is at the core of what this school does so well. Maharishi Free School pupils are good thinkers. They reflect on their world and try to see the world through other people’s eyes. This enables pupils to better understand their own experiences and those of others. Pupils are tolerant, considerate and empathetic. They are able to consider the impact of their actions on other people and on nature. They are ambitious, articulate, confident and engage very well with adults.”

Ofsted report on Maharishi School Lancashire, 8th November 2017


The Maharishi Free School primary phase is situated in a beautifully converted traditional stone building overlooking the glorious West Lancashire countryside, with the secondary phase situated in a newly refurbished building nearby. Maharishi School is a non-religious, non-denominational school. We welcome pupils of all religious faiths and of no religious faith. Many major religions are represented within our pupil population, including Church of England, Roman Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu as well as parents with no religious belief e.g. families who are members of the British Humanist Association.

Our pupils delight visitors from all over the world with their remarkable eagerness for knowledge, their happiness, and profound grasp of the deepest principles of life.

These pupils exhibit a beautiful balance and wholeness that is rarely seen in other schools.

What Makes Us 'Us'

The reason for this noticeable difference is the use of Consciousness-based Education founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. This curriculum includes the daily practice of Transcendental Meditation (TM) as taught exclusively under the auspices of the Maharishi Foundation. This is an essential and mandatory part of the pupils’ daily classroom timetable at the school. Whilst it is not expected that any child will be practising Transcendental Meditation (TM) prior to being offered a place at the School, all children will practise TM once they attend the school. There will be no charge for any pupil to learn TM.

We expect each child will learn and be regularly practising TM or Word of Wisdom – whichever is age-appropriate – as taught and approved by the Maharishi Foundation, prior to their first day of their first term at the School. The School will be happy to make arrangements for this for you once you have received an offer of a place. We recommend that at least one parent (or carer) learns TM at the same time as the child. There is a fee for parents to learn TM and we are able to arrange instruction for parents at a significantly subsidised rate – funded by an external charitable foundation.

Experience has shown that not only does this enable a parent to understand and support the child’s experience and growth, but also results in significant benefit to the parent. For example, over 300 scientific studies show Transcendental Meditation offers a wide range of benefits, including:

  • Reduced anxiety and depression
  • Lower risk of heart attack and stroke
  • More energy
  • Increased brain function and creativity
  • Reduced insomnia
  • Greater resilience to stress